When not to version

Semantic Versioning is a simple and effective way to document not just the version of your software, but how any given release relates to those around it. The principle is simple, three dot separated integers that are gradually incremented with the following meaning: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

String Calculator for Scala

This is a slight repurposing of the String Calculator kata on Roy Osherove’s website. I’ve updated it for my own impression of TDD, and for Scala notation and types, but many of the words are still arranged in Roy’s order.

Before you start:

Sorry, I can’t do that, I’m not agile

Inviqa’s dev days are always excellent events with a high level of content quality. One particular talk stood out for me at today’s event, which was Stephen McNairn talking about his take on the agile manifesto and how he’s seen Inviqa’s approach to agile develop…

phpspec keeps your privates hidden

For the last few days I’ve been using phpspec to build an application. Inevitably comparisons will be drawn between phpspec and PHPUnit, but I think that one clear distinction is found by considering how phpspec prevents the direct testing of a private method.

Considering what to test with phpspec

I have recently started using phpspec in place of PHPUnit as a PHP development tool. So far for me, the transition from TDD to specBDD is a fairly trivial one. The vocabulary used in the specs is slightly different to xUnit tools, and this seems to make me think…

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